Closing Temporarily


After careful consideration we have made the difficult decision to close our clinic effective today Wednesday, March 18th for at least two weeks.
We are closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation and will continue to provide updates of the status of the clinic throughout these next 2 weeks as they become available.
We will be contacting those scheduled to inform them of the temporary closure. However, we will also be in the clinic today for a short time so feel free to give us a call at 519-351-0363 to reschedule/cancel any appointments.
For emergencies ONLY, Mark has agreed to offer treatment. He will be checking the phone for messages so in a case of an emergency leave a message on our answering machine and we will return your call as soon as possible. Keep in mind this is ONLY for emergencies.
The health and safety of our clients, staff and community is our top priority and we hope everyone understands this difficult decision.
Take care of yourselves and one another. We hope to see you soon!
- Woodall Physiotherapy Crew

Woodall Physiotherapy | Let's talk about your health
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