
Ever wonder why you come in to physio to get your knee looked at and Mark has you exercising other body parts? Specifically, that he has you start working trunk/core muscles? The simple answer is that a weak core can lead to instability in the hip which put extra strain on the knee. The more detailed answer is that when...

We're Hiring!


We are looking to hire a Registered Kinesiologist to start in September! If you or someone your know is interested please send a resume to the link provided: ...

Happy Holiday everyone! The Clinic will be closed starting on Dec 23rd at 12pm and will not be open again until Jan 3rd, while we enjoy some time with our families for Christmas.



We will be closed during the week of Aug 22nd and re-open on Aug 29th bright and early at 8am!

Vacation Time!


We are taking a vacation and will be closed for the week of June 27 and will be re-open on Tuesday July 5th. Enjoy your Canada Day and we'll see you after the break!

As some of you may have heard the mask mandate that had been required in health care settings expired on Saturday, June 11th. As of Monday June 13th, we will no longer be requiring masks to be worn at our clinic during treatment. If you still would like to wear a mask during your appointment we encourage you to continue wearing one....

Arthritis Pain


Although there is no cure for arthritis, physiotherapy can help increase your strength, flexibility and range of motion in order to help decrease pain. Book an appointment with us if you are struggling with arthritis pain and let us help you improve your quality of life. We would love to help get you feeling better about living with arthritis.

We hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season! The Clinic will be closed from 12pm on Dec 24th and we will be re-opening on Jan 4th at 8am!

Have you been told that you have frozen shoulder? Not sure exactly what that is? Let us help.

Still Open


With Ontario entering another Lockdown and Stay-at-Home Order we are able to stay open for appointments as we are considered an essential health service. Please be safe and stay at home unless absolutely necessary.

Woodall Physiotherapy | Let's talk about your health
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