
As you likely know swimming is a great form of exercise no matter who you are or how good you health is. Exercise is an especially good way to exercise if you have arthritis. The water makes you more buoyant taking some of your body weight off the joints making it easier to move. This also applies to pregnancy, recovering...

Summer is here and the days are getting hotter. With greater exposure to the sun there is a greater risk of heat related illnesses such as heat stroke and heat exhaustion.

Canada Day


We will be closed on Jun28th and re-open on Jul 2nd for the Canada Day long weekend! Have a fun and safe holiday!

As you may or may not know we order custom braces for various injuries. As many of you know we also use tape to help support many of the different injuries as well. So what is the difference? Why do we use tape instead of suggesting a brace or vice versa?
There are several reasons behind this. One...

Holiday Hours


The clinic will be closed Monday Dec. 25, 2017 until Jan. 2, 2018.

Watch your weight- Keeping your weight within a healthy range is the best thing you can do for your joints.Regular Exercise- Exercise can help you lose extra pounds and maintain a healthy weight. Build Muscle to support joints- Strong muscles support your joints. If you don't have enough muscle, your joints take a pounding, especially your spine,...

Woodall Physiotherapy | Let's talk about your health
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